
Apocalypse Land: Rebirth Novel

Don’t overlook this captivating novel titled Apocalypse Land: Rebirth Novel.


Apocalypse Land: Rebirth Novel Summary

In a trading and touring company, an office worker suddenly startled with panic in his eyes and sweat beads on his forehead.

But he calmed down immediately because of the nature that he cultivated for a long time.

He made an excuse and left the office that day to return to his apartment.

“So I have died after 16 years of surviving in the apocalypse because of that bitch Nisha and bastard Roy.

That bitch Nisha even took my space pendent as if she already knows about it in advance.

Also, all the opportunities that I got were taken by them.

My love is wasted on her.

I still have a year before the disasters started with scorching hear, floods, rains, volcanic bursts, tsunamis, acid rains, plant and animal mutation, and zombies…..

This did not end as the earth moved to apocalypse land which is its origin.

For all this, I require food, water, weapons, supplies, and many things….

Since I have returned I will take care of those bastards hehe.

The pendant seems to be damaged it needs repairing….”

Apocalypse Land: Rebirth Novel
Apocalypse Land: Rebirth Novel

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