
Feudal Trader Novel

Don’t overlook this captivating novel titled Feudal Trader Novel.


Feudal Trader Novel Summary

What if option trading was available in the Dark Ages? And if this period was ruled not by the political and military strong, but the most magical proficients? What if gods and goddess were not only worshiped but also provided gifts and blessings to their people, as well as curses?

These questions baffled the mind of Rufus, an option trader daydreamer, his nerd background and vast tabletop RPG experience always induced him into thinking of new worlds and how they could develop. However, this time, the conceptual world that inhabits his thoughts is his new home.

“Should I be happy? Angry? Why was I chosen to do that?” Follow our trader into his new pavement job of introducing modern banking and economics to a fantastical feudal country.

Feudal Trader Novel
Feudal Trader Novel

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READ ALSO:  Dragon from Winterfell Novel

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