The Wizard World by Get Lost is a fantasy novel that follows the journey of Ye Song, who dies in a technologically advanced world and is reincarnated as a noble teenager in a new magical world.
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Summary of The Wizard World
The story is set in a world where magic is guarded and hidden from the general public, and Ye Song stumbles upon one of the most closely guarded secrets, obtaining the legendary power of Wizards.As Ye Song strives to achieve the unfathomable heights of power as a wizard, the novel is filled with tragedy, action, and adventure.
The world-building in the book is one of its distinguishing features. The author has created an engrossing world filled with magic, mythical creatures, and fantastical landscapes.
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The world is vividly described, bringing to life the fantastical setting in which Ye Song finds himself.
This is an excellent fantasy novel that is sure to delight fans of the genre. The story is engaging, the world-building is impressive, and the characters are well developed. It’s a must-read for anyone looking for a gripping fantasy novel to sink their teeth into.
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